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Happy Trails
U.S. Rogers, Evans & Trigger Postal Stamp
Please help us by taking part in this

Dear Fans,

This is a letter telling all our fans about what we are trying to do.

As many of you know, we have been in the process of getting a U.S. Stamp published with the image of Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Trigger on it. There is a ten year rule in effect but possibly we can persuade the Post Master to change this rule. If they will not change it then only Trigger is eligible for a postage stamp as he died in 1965.

Let's suport the TRIGGER Postage Stamp idea now!

We need your help to accomplish this.

Send an Email letter AND a regular letter to:

*Post Master General, Stamp Development, United States Postal Service,

*Request a new stamp for Trigger, the Smartest Horse in the movies and television!

*Ask all your friends and family to do the same.

*Put your name, address and date on the letter. *Send it promptly.

*Add some personal thoughts/words of your own.

*To send the letter via email, select the text portion of the letter in your browser.

*Copy it, and paste it into a new Email message.

Send to all of these Contacts please.
*Email President George W. Bush!

*Email Mr. Tolbert of USPS!

*Email Vice President Richard Cheney!

*Also address your Email message to Post Master General Potter of USPS via The White House.

More Contact Information

Postal Consumer Questions:
We have the answers. We Want to Know.

To expedite any service related issues, please contact:

(800) ASK-USPS or

(800) 275-8777

TTY: (877) 877-7833

*The White House Mailing Address:
The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

*The White House Phone Numbers:

COMMENTS: 202-456-1111 and 202-456-6213

SWITCHBOARD: 202-456-1414

FAX: 202-456-2461

The American Way is to stand together and we have to do this if we want a Trigger stamp.

Remember, the more letters we send in, the better chance we will have!

Sincerely Your Friends,

Painted Pony & Sheila Reiboldt

July, 2002